Algebra Project

Algebra 1 PROJECT. This project will require you to recall knowledge learned throughout the course of Algebra 1. Each pair of topics is listed in the box to the right and you will. Pick 3 topic-pairs. Each pair will be put on two separate pieces of paper. Math is essential for analyzing and communicating scientific results, and for stating scientific theories in a way that is clear, succinct, and testable. Start your science adventure by choosing a project from our collection of mathematics experiments.

You are an agent of the National Security Agency (NSA). Your job is to crack coded messages that are intercepted. Your unit just received a message from a well known terrorist group. The message is thought to reveal the exact location of the next terrorist attack on the United States. Your elite “Code Breaker” unit needs to crack the code, find the coordinates, and send a coded message to your supervisor who will send it to the President, FBI, Pentagon, and the Response Unit of Homeland Security. Students will serve as the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Research & Development, and the Director of Marketing for a stuffed animal company that specializes in hand-stitched animals. They must research the marketability of different types of stuffed animals.

They must rewrite their given information in matrix form and use the properties of matrices to answer questions from the CEO. They must prepare a presentation of their research and recommendations for the CEO. The presentation will include a television commercial and a radio commercial. You have been selected for a summer internship with the West Virginia Department of Energy. Your supervisor informs you that you will be working in teams to analyze the energy efficiency of several living complexes that are being developed in the area. Each team will be assigned a different housing unit to evaluate. You are expected to design a working circuit that represents the electrical flow of the unit, determine the impedance and graph the projected monthly electrical expenses.

You must then compare your findings with that of another team and make a recommendation as to the most cost efficient housing unit. Remember, for this project you are the electrical engineering analyst for the state and your final project must provide potential residents a valuable resource to assist them in determining the most cost efficient units. You are engineers working for Hi-Tech Pools, Inc.

The company is designing a rubberized mat that surrounds the border of a rectangular pool, to assist in heating the pool. In order for the mat to work properly, the mat must be of uniform width around the entire pool, and the area of the mat must be the same as the area of the pool’s surface. Prepare a presentation to the design branch of Hi-Tech Pools, detailing the derivation of a formula, accompanied by a drawing to find the width of the mat, if you are given the length and width of any rectangular pool. In addition to presenting facts about the rubberized mat, include a design of an alternate heating system that would be more appealing to the consumer. Support all reasoning through sound mathematical evidence.

This article reads more like a story than an encyclopedia entry. To meet Wikipedia's and conform to the policy, please help to and remove any personally invested tone. ( January 2008)The Algebra Project is a national literacy effort aimed at helping low-income students and students of color successfully achieve mathematical skills that are a for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in. The Project's mission states, 'The Algebra Project, Inc. Is a 501 (c) (3) national, nonprofit organization that uses mathematics as an organizing tool to ensure quality public school education for every child in America. We believe that every child has a right to a quality education to succeed in this technology-based society and to exercise full citizenship.

We achieve this by using best educational research and practices, and building coalitions to create systemic changes.' Founded by activist and Math educator in the 1980s, the Algebra Project has developed curricular materials, trained teachers and teacher-trainers, and provided ongoing professional development support and community involvement activities to schools seeking to achieve a systemic change in mathematics education.The Algebra Project reaches approximately 10,000 students and approximately 300 teachers per year in 28 local sites across 10 states.

Contents.About The Algebra Project focuses on the Southern U.S., where the Southern Initiative of the Algebra Project is directed by, and on the Young Peoples' Project (YPP), which recruits, trains and deploys high school and college age 'Math Literacy Workers' to work with their younger peers in a variety of math learning opportunities and engage 'the demand side' of mathematics education reform. The YPP is directed by.Increased student performance in mathematics, as well as greater numbers of students enrolling in college preparatory mathematics classes, is a well documented outcome of the project's work.History The Algebra Project was born out of one parent's concern with the mathematics education of his children in the public schools of.

In 1982, Bob Moses (who had been providing additional math instruction to his daughter) joined Mary Lou Mehrling, his daughter's eighth grade teacher, to help several students with the study of. Moses, who had taught secondary school mathematics in and, decided that an appropriate goal for those students was to have enough skills in algebra to qualify for honors math and science courses in high school. His success in producing the first students from the Open Program of the who passed the citywide algebra examination and qualified for ninth grade honors geometry was a testament to his skill as a teacher. It also highlighted a serious problem: Most students in the Open Program were expected not to do well in mathematics.Moses approached the problem at the Open Program in a similar manner to problems he and others had faced in the early sixties in helping the black community of seek political power through the vote. While on the surface the problem of the acquisition of political power looked like a simple issue of enticing people to vote, the problem would involve answering an interrelated set of questions.

'What is the vote for?' 'Why do we want it in the first place?' What must we do right now to ensure that when we have the vote, it will work for us to benefit our communities? Answers to these questions eventually resulted in an important context in which to ask people to vote. This context was the, a community based political party.Similarly, the everyday issues of students failing at mathematics in the Open Program would require a more complex set of issues and community of individuals.

Moses, the parent-as-organizer in the program, instinctively applied the lesson he had learned in Mississippi, transforming the everyday issues into a broader political question for the Open Program community to consider: What is algebra for? Why do we want children to study it? What do we need to include in the mathematics education of every middle school student, to provide each of them with access to the college preparatory mathematics curriculum in high school? Why is it important to gain such access? Within these questions, a context for understanding the problems of mathematics education emerged, and a possible solution and effort at community organizing represented by the Algebra Project began to take shape.The answers to the questions, 'What is algebra for?' And 'Why do we want children to study it?'

, play an important role in the Algebra Project. The project assumes that there is a new standard in assessing mathematics education, a standard of mathematical literacy.

In this not so far future, a broad range of mathematical skills will join traditional skills in reading and writing in the definition of literacy. These mathematical skills will not only be important in gaining access to college and math and science related careers, but will also be necessary for full participation in the economic life of this society.

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In this context, the Algebra Project has as a goal that schools embrace a standard of mathematics education that requires that children be mathematically literate. This will require a community of educators including parents, teachers and school administrators who understand the paramount importance of mathematics education in providing access to the economic life of this society. An answer to the question 'What do we need to include in the mathematics education of every middle school student?' Also frames the Algebra Project.Student strike From March 1, 2006 to March 4, 2006, students led by the Algebra Project and coming from high schools across Baltimore City held a three-day student strike to oppose an imminent plan to 'consolidate' many area high schools into fewer buildings. The school system claims these buildings are underutilized, but the students and other advocates counter that the only reason there is extra space in these buildings is because class sizes often are about 40 students per class. Listened to the students' demands, apparently out of concern that it could affect his status with the general public in a gubernatorial election year.

The Young People's Project Founded in 1996, the (YPP) is an outgrowth of the Algebra Project. YPP has established sites in Jackson, MS, Chicago, IL, and the Greater Boston area of Massachusetts, and is developing programs in Miami, FL, Petersburg, VA, Los Angeles, CA, Ann Arbor, MI, and Mansfield, OH. Through Math Literacy Worker trainings and development, workshops and community events, YPP promotes math literacy as a tool for young people to demand of themselves, their communities and school systems, an education commensurate with the requirements for citizenship in today’s technology based economy.Each established site employs from 30 to 100 high school and college age students on a part-time basis, and serves up to 1000 elementary and middle school students through a variety of on and off site programs. Star wars empire at war console commands.

As the founding members of YPP have moved from middle to high school to college, their development and the subsequent development of the young people they’ve attracted, has formed the basis for YPP’s evolution into a truly youth-driven organization.In 2005, the Algebra Project initiated Quality Education as a Civil Right (QECR), a groundbreaking national organizing effort to establish a federal constitutional guarantee to quality public education for all. Throughout 2005, YPP worked with students from Baltimore, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Oakland, Miami, Jackson, Chicago and Virginia to initiate a dialogue within America about QECR. The Algebra Project and YPP students from Jackson and New Orleans hosted conferences, organized an innovative Spring Break Community Education Tour to Miami and participated in QECR planning meetings at Howard University, the University of Michigan, and Jackson State University.References.