Configure Virtual Serial Port Driver Registration Code

All virtual serial ports work and behave exactly like real ones, emulating all their settings. You can create as many virtual port pairs as you want,. Virtual copies, each of them sending this data to a connected serial app.” This software consist a “Serial Splitter” module who allows many software packages to communicate in real time, at fast speed, with one hardware unit, e.g.COM6 in this case. Installing and configure the Virtual serial port driver Pro/Splitter is really easy: As an.

Demonstrates a simple virtual serial driver (ComPort) and a controller-less modem driver (FakeModem).

This sample demonstrates these two serial drivers:


  • A simple virtual serial driver (ComPort)

  • A controller-less modem driver (FakeModem).This driver supports sending and receiving AT commands using the ReadFile and WriteFile calls or via a TAPI interface using an application such as, HyperTerminal.

This sample driver is a minimal driver meant to demonstrate the usage of the User-Mode Driver Framework. It is not intended for use in a production environment.

For more information, see the Serial Controller Driver Design Guide.

Code tour

comsup.cpp and comsup.h

  • COM Support code - specifically base classes which provide implementations for the standard COM interfaces IUnknown and IClassFactory which are used throughout the sample.

  • The implementation of IClassFactory is designed to create instances of the CMyDriver class. If you should change the name of your base driver class, you would also need to modify this file.


  • DLL Support code - provides the DLL's entry point as well as the single required export (DllGetClassObject).

  • These depend on comsup.cpp to perform the necessary class creation.


  • This file lists the functions that the driver DLL exports.


  • This is the main header file for the sample driver.

driver.cpp and driver.h

  • Definition and implementation of the driver callback class (CMyDriver) for the sample. This includes DriverEntry and events on the framework driver object.

device.cpp and driver.h

  • Definition and implementation of the device callback class (CMyDriver) for the sample. This includes events on the framework device object.

queue.cpp and queue.h

  • Definition and implementation of the base queue callback class (CMyQueue). This includes events on the framework I/O queue object.

VirtualSerial.rc /FakeModem.rc

  • This file defines resource information for the sample driver.

VirtualSerial.inf / FakeModem.inf

  • INF file that contains installation information for this driver.