Make Your Own Guild Skyrim

Welcome to the Walkthrough for 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim', here I will be guiding you through one of the largest and most sophisticated games of all time. This epic adventure role-playing game is insurmountably huge with over '400' quests available and a never-ending possibility of random quests, activities and exploration. To keep us sane I have focused this Walkthrough around the achievements of the game. There are '50' achievements in the base game, '23' will be unlocked through the completion of the main quest lines; the Main Story (8), the Civil War (3), the Companions (3), the College of Winterhold (3), the Thieves Guild (3), and the Dark Brotherhood (3).

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None of these achievements are difficulty specific- all quests can be completed on 'Novice' difficulty at your discretion.A further '2' achievements concern the 'Daedric Artifacts', '1' for obtaining one artifact, and '1' for obtaining '15' of the '16' artifacts available during one playthrough. This latter achievement is ' missable', I have dedicated a full page to the Daedric Artifacts and done all I can to prevent you from missing this achievement, noting all known bugs and how to avoid or fix them.The remaining '25' achievements can be found in the 'Miscellaneous Achievements' page. This page includes; not only how to unlock all of these achievements, but also a lot of other useful information to make your adventures in Skyrim easier and more enjoyable. The achievements included here are nothing to be worried about; most are general tasks that you will unconsciously work towards while completing quests and exploring.There are three major collectible achievements (aside from the Daedric Artifacts) each linked to an achievement. You must learn at least one word from each of the '20' Shouts in the base game for the 'Thu'um Master achievement', you must read '50' of the '90' available Skill Books in the base game for the 'Reader' Achievement, and you must find all '13' of the 'Standing Stones' for the 'Standing Stones' Achievement (note that it is possible to revisit the same Standing Stones and they will count towards this achievement).

Withdraw all your assets from the bank. Move the player out of any Skyrim Trade Guild cells, preferably into an interior 3. Remove the mod from your load order. Load up the game, and make a clean save. Update the mod. Put the mod back into your load order. Here is a neat little mod that allows you to create a guild, manage its members, and set out on your own quest objectives. 'Sokco's Guild Starter'.

I have integrated all the locations of every Shout, every Standing Stone and mentioned the locations of as many Skill Books as possible throughout the main quest lines of the game. You should take note of all the collectibles you acquire as you go and save your game after each one. If, for any reason, you have missed any collectibles during the main quest lines, I have included the locations of all of them in the 'Miscellaneous Page' of this Walkthrough.An additional '25' achievements have been added by the three DLC's available for Skyrim, these include the Dawnguard (10), the Dragonborn (10) and the Hearthfire (5) DLC's. These have been covered in their own relevant pages found after the Miscellaneous Page.Warning: Be advised that installing the Dawnguard DLC will cause random vampire attacks to begin in towns and will put many important characters in direct danger, this can cause the deaths of quest related individuals, and you should only install this add-on after completing all other achievements in the base game.

Comprehensive PlaythroughThis page outlines, in basic form, the most efficient sequence to complete the quests and unlock the achievements of the game. You should have a basic understanding of the game's mechanics and controls before using this page as it will give no details about quests or bugs and serves simply as a chronological guide through every achievement in the game.

Any additional information or bug fixes etc can be found in the relevant sections of the relevant quest pages. It would be a good idea to have both this page and the relevant quest line page open at once to follow.This page will dictate your every action throughout the game and unlock every achievement in the process. This may sound silly; but I do not recommend using this page. Skyrim is an amazing game, and what makes the game truly unique is the freedom of choice. You choose whom you are, where to go, and what to do, and following a strict guide that dictates your every action is just not the way to play this game. It is there however, for your consideration, if you really have no time, or no mind to enjoy this game then this is the page for you.Major Quest LinesFor greater detail, each main quest line has been given it's own page, these pages will guide you through every quest, in detail, from beginning to end in the most efficient manner possible. I have integrated the locations of as many collectibles and miscellaneous achievements into these quest lines as possible, for your consideration.

You may need to clear up the odd miscellaneous achievement at the end, but if you follow this Walkthrough, as written, you will unlock all the achievements in the game as you complete the major quest lines. The Main StoryThis quest line centers around a new and very serious event that suddenly occurs at the beginning of the game, you probably know what this is by now but I have no cause to spoil the surprise here. This major and shocking crisis affects not only Skyrim but the whole continent of Tamriel. The main story is at first unavoidable and it serves well to introduce you to the various aspects of the game. The main story will take you through some of the primary areas of the game-world and award you with many unique features.There are '17' quests with a further '2' optional quests in the main story. You will unlock '8' achievements by completing these quests and a further '3' achievements can be unlocked during the course of the tutorial aspect of these quests.

You will also automatically unlock '7' Shouts during the course of the Main Story and I have included the locations of a further '4' Shouts, over '80' Skill Books, and '8' Standing Stones for your consideration. The Civil WarThis page focuses around the complex war that is currently underway in Skyrim. This war began after a rebellious Nord, named 'Ulfric Stormcloak', killed the High King of Skyrim. This caused the Empire to send out the Imperial Legion to put his army, 'the Stormcloaks', down. You become involved in this war at the beginning of the game. You can join either side of the war; the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks but you are later given certain occasions where you can change sides, after the second quest however you are bound to your choice.There are '15' quests throughout the Civil War. There are only '3' achievements related to the Civil War, all of which will be unlocked by completing quests regardless of which side you joined.

One of these achievements, namely; the 'War Hero' achievement, is missable. This achievement can be missed if you progress to the 'Season Unending' quest in the Main Story and make a decision that hands over a particular fort to the enemy side without a fight. It is therefore advisable to complete the Civil War quests before progressing too far in the Main Story. I have warned and advised you in the Main Story page exactly where this achievement can become missable and what to do.I have also included the locations of '1' Word Wall, '9' Skill Books, and '4' Standing Stones found during this quest line for your consideration. How to add endnote to word 2013. The CompanionsThis is a group of warriors based in the central city of Whiterun who take on independent contracts for the people of Skyrim for gold.

You can gain access to some great aspects of the game by joining the Companions and find some very lucrative side-quests too.There are only '6' main quests for the Companions with a further '4' mandatory 'Radiant Quests' (See Companions page for information on those). You will unlock '3' achievements while completing this quest line to the end. I have also included the locations of '2' Word Walls (one of which is automatically learned during the Main Story), '9' Skill Books and '1' Standing Stone found during this quest line for your consideration. The College of WinterholdThis is a school found far to the north in the old ruined town of Winterhold, this place is dedicated solely to the education and practise of the magical arts. Obviously joining this faction would be most advantageous as a mage, but the school offers many advantages to all types of players in the form of side-quests, merchants and unique items. You are introduced to this quest line during a Main Story quest where you are required to gain access to the college.There are '8' main quests for the College of Winterhold and you'll unlock '3' achievements by completing them all.

I have also included the locations of '3' Word Walls, '9' Skill Books and '1' Standing Stone (the same one found during a Companions quest) that can be found during this quest line for your consideration. The Thieves GuildThis is an organised group of thieves and smugglers operating out of a hidden location in the town of Riften.

They are dedicated to the training and practise of the arts of stealth. Joining this guild is most suitable for thief and assassin style characters and offers many advantages for them in the form of trainers, side-quests, merchants and unique items. It is also advised, that during your time with the Thieves Guild, you attempt the miscellaneous achievements of picking '50' pockets and '50' locks, escaping jail, and having a bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds.There are '12' main quests with the Thieves Guild and '3' achievements that are unlocked by completing them; '1' of these is unlocked by completing various 'Radiant mini-quests' (See Thieves Guild page for more information) and then another random quest to restore the Thieves Guild to it's former glory. There are also a further '5' optional quests that can be completed for the guild with no ties to achievements. I have also included the locations of '4' Word Walls' (one of which is learned during the Main Story), '11' Skill Books and '1' Standing Stone found during this quest line for your consideration. The Dark BrotherhoodThis is a group of professional assassins who take on secret murderous contracts for the people of Skyrim.

You will have to perform morally questionable deeds during this quest line but you are not bound to any aspect of combat when joining. Joining the Dark Brotherhood can be missed by accident. To prevent you from losing out on the '3' achievements associated with the Dark Brotherhood however simply follow my advice in the General Hints and Tips page: Do not enter areas that you are not prompted to for a quest and you'll be fine.There are '13' main quests with the Dark Brotherhood which will unlock '3' achievements through their completion. I have also included the locations of '2' Word Walls, '5' Skill Books, and '1' Standing Stone found during this quest line for your consideration. The Daedric ArtifactsAside from the main story, the civil war and the above faction quest lines there is another group of quests that involve completing certain tasks for the questionably moral 'Daedric Princes of Oblivion'. Each of these quests will reward you with a unique item called a 'Daedric Artifact'; these are prized possessions and are amongst the most useful and powerful items in the game. There is '1' achievement for attaining one of these artifacts and another '1' achievement for attaining '15' artifacts.

Note that there are only 16 artifacts available to you in one playthrough and they do not carry over through multiple playthroughs. You cannot begin some of these quests until you reach a certain character level and one will be strongly associated with the Main Story quest 'Elder Knowledge'. Also some of these quests can be failed and many are very glitchy, therefore getting 15 will take some care and attention as you play through this game. For this reason I advise you concentrate on completing Daedric Quests as and when they become available.I have integrated the locations of '3' Shouts, '3' Standing Stones and also mentioned the locations of an additional '23' Skill Books found during these quests for your consideration. Miscellaneous AchievementsThere are a further ' 25' achievements that require completing specific tasks or reaching a certain character level. None of these achievements are difficult and many of them will unlock without you even noticing.

There are three collectibles to note however:Dragon ShoutsThe first involves the finding of at least one word of all 20 'Dragon Shouts' (also known as Thu'ums) in the game. You will automatically unlock '7' of these Shouts during the Main Story and a character known as 'Arngeir' will reveal the locations of all Shouts one by one when asked. I have also integrated the locations of at least one word from all of the remaining '13' Shouts through the major quest lines of the game.

If you are still missing any words, I have included a table in this page with all information about the 20 Shouts in the base game and the '7' extra Shouts added by the DLC (which, incidentally, also count for the Thu'um Master achievement). You can also track your progress towards this achievement using the 'Shouts Learned' statistic, on the 'Magic' page of your journal's 'General Stats' section.Standing StonesSecondly you have to find '13' Standing Stones, this is however made much easier by the fact that revisiting some fo the same stones will count towards the achievement. Nevertheless, I have integrated the locations of all '13' different Standing Stones into the main quest lines of the game for your consideration.Skill BooksAnd thirdly you must read '50' unique copies of the '90' available 'Skill Books' in the game. By 'read' this means that you only need to press on the books and open them, you do not necessarily have to take or steal them.

Again I have integrated the locations of over '80' of these books throughout the main quest lines. Should you still not have the required '50' then you will find a table on this page detailing the specific locations of all 90 Skill Books. You can also track your progress towards this achievement using the 'Skill Books Read' statistic on the 'General' tab of your journal's 'General Stats'.Also in this section, to help you navigate the immensity of Skyrim, and find the most out of the game, I have included information about some other aspects that are not necessarily related to any achievements. The sections found on this page include: Alchemy, Character and Skill Levelling Exploits, Clearing Dungeons, Crimes, Bounties and Escaping from Jail, Dragons, Dragon Souls, Lairs and Shouts, Easter Eggs, Enchanting, Getting Married, Houses, Lockpicking and Pickpocketing, Lycanthropy, Magic, Manual Tasks, Miscellaneous Objectives, Money Making Techniques, Side-Quests, Skill Books, Smithing, Speech Challenges, Standing Stones, Stealth, Trainers, Vampirism, and the Warrior Class. HearthfireThis add-on introduces three new unique houses for you to design, build, and use as your homes. You can design and build these houses from scratch; they can also be used as a storage center, and for your family to live in.

This DLC also allows you to adopt various children as your own. You get additional features such as stewards, a personal carriage driver, a personal bard, new activities such as; baking, beekeeping, fishing and farming, and four new loading screens.There are '5' new achievements added by the Hearthfire DLC; '1' for adopting a child, '2' for buying all three plots of land (1 and 3), '1' for building all three wings of one house and '1' for building all three houses. This DLC is simple enough, but because of the grindy nature of gaining all the materials, I advise you install this DLC as early as possible and begin working on your houses. These houses also provide some useful features that will aid you in your completion of the other aspects of the game. DawnguardThis add-on centres around a new faction of vampire hunters called the 'Dawnguard'. The Dawnguard are at war with another new group called the 'Volkihar Vampire Clan'. Much like the Civil War, you must choose which side to join, but all achievements can still be unlocked in one playthrough.