Sid Meier Alpha Centauri Compatibility Patch

SID MEIER'S ALIEN CROSSFIREV2.0README.TXT12/13/99CHANGES IN ALIEN CROSSFIRE VERSION 2.0FIXES You can now airdrop units into your own bases. The correct voiceovers for Alien Crossfire base facilities now play thefirst time you build them. Pirates can no longer capture units that are defending a base.

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SMACX AI Growth mod is for the venerable classic 4X game, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri with the Alien Crossfire expansion pack. It has been 2 years since I started the project. If anyone had told me the entire world would be engulfed in a viral plague, I wouldn't have believed them.

Alien probe teams now use the correct art. The Cyborg faction now correctly has the Technology Steal ability. It is now possible to rescue a captured faction leader. Base facilities no longer cost less than they should at Thinker andTranscend difficulty levels.

In some instances a Golden Age would not produce a population boom. AXStart.exe will now switch to a resolution it supports.

Sid meier alpha centauri steam

The Sid and Brian factions can now be loaded in the Faction Editor. Occasionally refugees from a captured base would appear at coordinates0,0. This is fixed.

The Maritime Control Center now grants a defensive bonus against navalunits for player controlled factions. Psi Artillery combat strength is now calculated correctly.

Some special abilities were not reflected correctly in automaticallydesigned units. The Right-click menu's version of airdrop now correctly uses movementpoints. You can no longer have a pact brother support one of your factions units. The 'Aliens capture your base' interlude now correctly displays, even ifthe base captured was obliterated. All satellites can now be added to the build queue, even if currently inproduction. Miscellaneous text fixes. Base population no longer 'rolls over' when it reaches 127.

Native artillery units no longer get a 'hasty' penalty when attacking. Drone revolts no longer can select aliens as new masters.

The Faction Editor now correctly updates bonuses on the Faction page. The Faction Editor now correctly loads free units and free abilities.

The Faction Editor now correctly saves bonus technologies. The Drone faction now correctly includes the Base Revolt ability of 75% During a random game, if an Alien faction is selected, and there isanother random slot, there will be two Alien factions in the game.ALIEN CROSSFIRE VERSION 1.0Undocumented Additions:.Sea Borders: coastal bases now extend borders into the sea for all squaresadjacent to the base. Nearby water bases do not affect these borders.Detonating a fungal missile may now trigger native life forms from dormantspores.