Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hud

In this episode we discuss some pros and cons of the Darnified UI and walkthrough how to install it, if you have decided to use it. Support the Channel Please consider supporting the channel. GP Advanced Recon HUD Tweaks - Pip-Pong - TUTORIAL NAVIGATION-0:17 Introduction. 1:51 DarNified UI. 2:01 - DarNified UI 3:02 - DarNified UI.

It seems I need a little help. I have TTW installed in place (overwrite), and all other mods using Mod Organizer 2.I installed Darnified UI, with the font dummies. The UI looks good but there is no mod configuration menu when I hit escape. So I installed MCM plus the bugfix2. I make sure to allow Darnified UI to overwrite the MCM files. While on the load screen, I can hover over the icon on the bottom-left and see my NVSE and JIP LN plugin versions.

After I load into a saved game, when I press escape I get an error message that says MCM cannot detect its files, and when I hover over the icon the NVSE and JIP LN versions are X.X. Solution manual to macroeconomics blanchard.

Hi Darn,I was wondering at the feasibility of a factions/reputation metre at some point in the future. I imagine it would be something that would require NVSE.So what do I mean by factions/reputations? Well, something that reflects your current standing with the major groupings in the game so you know at a glance where you stand with a particular and therefore, when you need to make a decision that could affect your standing with any faction, you can base your decisions on knowing more accurately where you are with them.Just a thought.Sure. Hmm, that's strange. I was just about to post a bug report about the mod list in v2 spilling out its box, both in the pipboy inventory and in the container menu - but in your 'before' screenshot it doesn't.This is what it looks like for me:Container menu -(Note that vanilla overspills, too, and looks even worse)Pipboy inventory -I compare them, I also see that your screenshot has DAM and DPS separated - is that 'Old Version' v2 or v3?In any case, thank you so much for your UIs, which I have been using religiously since Oblivion. Thank you for turning good games into fantastic ones!The pics I posted are wip pics of v3 - out this weekend. Thanks for the container menu pic though.

Need to rember to do that one too. I agree, Pipware UI has some good features, I kept its companion wheel and scrollbar tweak. It's no DarNUI, of course.That's not the scope of it, it's mainly supposed to be largely the default looking interface with some enhancements/fixes.As long as there is no silent scavenging of features going on, i don't have a problem with some things making it into other UI Mods.I've just seen it too often that people get 'heavily inspired' and silently incorporate parts/ideas from elsewhere, then 'selling' it all as an original package, be it just by omitting any references/credits.Posts: 3399 Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:19 pm. Given that you are the foremost expert on the UI xml files, do you know of anything within them that defines which parts of interfaceshared0.dds are not altered by your choice of UI colour?I know that there is a setting somewhere that prevents sections from changing colour because the main cursor is using a shared alpha map with the rest of the HUD but does not change colour.I ask because I'd like to incorporate red into my Crosshair mod, and whilst it works with the white or amber UIs, blue and green both change the red dot to black.Posts: 3442 Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:38 pm. That's not the scope of it, it's mainly supposed to be largely the default looking interface with some enhancements/fixes.As long as there is no silent scavenging of features going on, i don't have a problem with some things making it into other UI Mods.I've just seen it too often that people get 'heavily inspired' and silently incorporate parts/ideas from elsewhere, then 'selling' it all as an original package, be it just by omitting any references/credits.And you're sure I couldn't think exactly the same of you?

Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hud

I'm sure Darn doesn't need to 'scavange' anything, as he was there right from the beginning in Oblivion.I also think that it's a personal decision what I decide is inside the scope of it. If I decide I like your companion wheel and scrollbar tweak more then the one that comes with Darns UI, then I use this in conjunction with Darns mod. If you think it's not appropriate to not play your mod like you intended it to be and try to force people to play it the way you want it, then you're very wrong.

Sorry.but just compare the changes that you made to thoose of Darn. I think if he'd like to do the changes you've made, they where already inside DUINV.:rolleyes. Given that you are the foremost expert on the UI xml files, do you know of anything within them that defines which parts of interfaceshared0.dds are not altered by your choice of UI colour?I know that there is a setting somewhere that prevents sections from changing colour because the main cursor is using a shared alpha map with the rest of the HUD but does not change colour.I ask because I'd like to incorporate red into my Crosshair mod, and whilst it works with the white or amber UIs, blue and green both change the red dot to black.Try to modifie the.dds files directly. This will create less compatibillity problems with darns mod. Just extract the 'textures/interfaceshared0.dds' and change the crosshair to a colour that becomes red with your HUD-colour preferences. You can do this with and It's very easy. Just make sure to safe in the correct format.Posts: 3479 Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:33 am.

I also think that it's a personal decision what I decide is inside the scope of it. If I decide I like your companion wheel and scrollbar tweak more then the one that comes with Darns UI, then I use this in conjunction with Darns mod.I think you misunderstood what was said there, look at the last part of the post i was replying to.I was talking about the scope of it from a development standpoint, not the 'scope' of what you or anyone else might do with files they download - of course people sometimes mix and match parts locally.Posts: 3383 Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:55 pm. Good edit there, rebb.You bet.Are you trying to add a red reticle? In that case the black is probably the result of the game adding color to it. I'm not that proficient in this stuff, but I guess blue/green uses more the other side of the spectrum, thus producing a different reaction in the colors. Systemcolor is changed depending on a few factors - in DUI even more so, as it supports custom colors separate from the games'.Yeah I knew why it was happening; the white UI isn't actually applying any sort of tint at all, and when you add amber (a very red heavy yellow) to red you just end up with red, whereas green and blue both primary colours (in light) that contain no red. I just had no idea how to prevent it from happening.

I'm useless with any sort of coding and the xml files just look like gibberish to me. I just don't understand how they work at all. I can pick up how to modify them pretty easily if someone tells me what to do, but I don't have that deeper understanding that you obviously do of why and how they work.Posts: 3493 Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:52 pm. Yeah I knew why it was happening; the white UI isn't actually applying any sort of tint at all, and when you add amber (a very red heavy yellow) to red you just end up with red, whereas green and blue both primary colours (in light) that contain no red.

I just had no idea how to prevent it from happening. I'm useless with any sort of coding and the xml files just look like gibberish to me. I just don't understand how they work at all. I can pick up how to modify them pretty easily if someone tells me what to do, but I don't have that deeper understanding that you obviously do of why and how they work.The reticle's color is hardcoded by the game. It's located in hudtemplates.xml as 'reticlecenter'.

DUI uses a semi-cloned version. If you're willing to do some xml work, you can always make an image positioned where the reticle is and set the originals' width&height to 0. Here's DUI's reticle:&hudalt; InterfaceInterfaceShared.tai 64 64 2 9

Taking the work of others and claiming it as your own is insulting to the original modder. But you can't confuse that actual work done with the end result. If DarN (just using you as an example) happens to end up with a similar looking end result there nothing you can really complain about as long as he writes it himself from scratch. As Apple once learned when Microsoft released Windows, You can't patent a look and/or feel.If two people traveling two different unconnected paths end up at the same location they each still get to claim sole credit for their individual journey.Posts: 3409 Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:24 am.