General Organic And Biochemistry Lab Manual

.Lab Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Experiments relate to basic concepts of chemistry and health. Experiments are designed to illustrate thechemical principles discussed in class.

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They include experiments that relate to health and medicine, andoften use common materials that are familiar to students. Experiments are flexible.Each experiment includes a flexible group of sections, which allows instructorsto select the sections to fit into their weekly laboratory schedule.

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Lab times and comments are given for each. A detailed safety section in the prefaceincludes a safety quiz.

The aim here is to highlight the safetyand equipment preparation on the first day of lab. In addition, each lab contains reminders of safety behavior.Students are reminded to wear goggles for every lab session.

Some experiments are recommended asinstructor demonstrations. The experiment format provides clear instructions and evaluation. Each lab begins with a set of goals, adiscussion of the topics, and examples of calculations. The report pages begin with pre-lab questions toprepare students for lab work. Students obtain data, draw graphs, make calculations, and write conclusionsabout their results.

Each lab contains questions and problems that require the student to discuss theexperiment, make additional calculations, and use critical thinking to apply concepts to real life. Stockroom preparation of chemicals.Materials for each experiment are listed in the appendix withamounts given for 20 students working in pairs. Most lab sessions use standard lab equipment and chemicalsthat are readily available and inexpensive. In some cases students bring samples from home. Pre-Lab Study Questionsare provided on a separate page at the beginning of each laboratory report section. These questions should be completed before students come to lab. Instructors may require that students hand in the study questions before beginning laboratory work.

If so, it is easy to remove the Pre-Lab section from the lab manual. Table of ContentsPART I: DRY LABSD-1 Conversion Factors in CalculationsA. Rounding OffB. Significant Figures in CalculationsC.

Conversion Factors for LengthD. Conversion Factors for VolumeE.

Conversion Factors for MassF. Percent by MassG. Converting TemperatureD-2 Atomic StructureA. Physical Properties of ElementsB.

Periodic TableC. Subatomic ParticlesD. IsotopesD-3 Compounds and Their FormulasA. Electron-Dot StructuresB. Ionic Compounds and FormulasC. Ionic Compounds with Transition MetalsD.

Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic IonsE. Covalent (Molecular) CompoundsF. Electron Dot Structure and Molecular ShapeD-4 Properties of Organic CompoundsA. Color, Odor, and Physical StateB.

Functional GroupsD-5 Structures of AlkanesA. Structures of AlkanesB. Constitutional IsomersC. HaloalkanesD-6 Types of CarbohydratesA.

PolysaccharidesPART II: GENERAL CHEMISTRY1 Measurement and Significant FiguresA. Measuring LengthB. Measuring VolumeC.

Measuring Mass2 Density and Specific GravityA. Density of a SolidB. Density of a LiquidC. Specific GravityD. Graphing Mass and Volume3 Electronic Configuration and Periodic PropertiesA.

Flame TestsB. Electron ConfigurationC.

Graphing A Periodic Property: Atomic Radius4 Nuclear RadiationA. Background CountB.

Radiation from Radioactive SourcesC. Effect of Shielding, Time, and Distance5 Energy and Specific HeatA. Specific Heat of A MetalB. Measuring the Caloric Value of a FoodC. Food Calories6 Energy and States of MatterA. A Heating Curve for WaterB. Graphing a Cooling CurveC.

Energy in Changes of State7 Chemical Reactions and EquationsA. Magnesium and OxygenB. Zinc and Copper (II) SulfateC. Metals and HClD. Reactions of Ionic CompoundsE.

Sodium Carbonate and HCl8 Reaction Rates and EquilibriumA. Exothermic and Endothermic ReactionsB. Rates of ReactionsC. Reversible ReactionsD.

Iron (III)-thiocyanate Equilibrium9 Moles and Chemical FormulasA. Finding the Simplest FormulaB. Formula of a Hydrate10 Gas LawsA. Boyle’s LawB. Charles’ Law11 Partial Pressures of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon DioxideA.

Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Nitrogen in AirB, C. Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere and Expired Air12 Solutions, Electrolytes, and ConcentrationA. Polarity of Solutes and SolventsB.

Electrolytes and ConductivityC. Electrolytes in Body FluidsD. Concentration of a Sodium Chloride Solution13 Soluble and Insoluble SaltsA. Soluble and Insoluble SaltsB. Solubility of KNO3C. Testing the hardness of WaterD.

Purification of Water14 Testing for Cations and AnionsA. Tests for Positive Ions (Cations)B. Tests for Negative Ions (Anions)C. Writing the Formulas of Your Unknown SaltD. Testing Consumer Products for Some Cations and Anions15 Solutions, Colloids, and SuspensionsA. Identification TestsB.

Osmosis and DialysisC. Filtration16 Acids, Bases, pH and BuffersA. PH Color Using Red Cabbage IndicatorB. Measuring pHC. Effect of Buffers on Ph17 Acid-Base TitrationA. Acetic Acid in VinegarB.

Titration of an AntacidPART III: ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY18 Reactions of HydrocarbonsA. Types of HydrocarbonsB. Bromine TestD. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) TestE. Identification of Unknown19 Alcohols and PhenolsA. Structures of Alcohols and PhenolB.

Properties of Alcohols and PhenolC. Oxidation of AlcoholsD. Ferric Chloride TestE.

Identification of Unknown20 Aldehydes and KetonesA. Structures of Some Aldehydes and KetonesB. Properties of Aldehydes and KetonesC.

Iodoform Test for Methyl KetonesD. Oxidation of Aldehydes and KetonesE. Identification of an Unknown21 Tests for CarbohydratesA. Benedict’s Test for Reducing SugarsB. Seliwanoff’s Test for KetosesC. Fermentation TestD. Iodine Test for PolysaccharidesE.

Hydrolysis of Disaccharides and PolysaccharidesF. Testing Foods for Carbohydrates22 Carboxylic Acids and EstersA. Carboxylic Acids and Their SaltsB. Basic Hydrolysis of Esters23 Aspirin and Other AnalgesicsA. Preparation of AspirinB. Testing Aspirin ProductsC. Analysis of Analgesics24 LipidsA.

Physical Properties of Lipids and Fatty AcidsC. Bromine Test for UnsaturationD. Preparation of Hand Lotion25 Glycerophospholipids and SteroidsA. Isolating Cholesterol in Egg YolkB.

Isolating Lecithin in Egg Yolk26 Saponification and SoapsA. Saponification: Preparation of SoapB. Properties of Soap and Detergents27 Amines and AmidesA. Structure and Classification of AminesB. Solubility of Amines in WaterC.

Neutralization of Amines with AcidsD. Amides28 Synthesis of AcetaminophenA.

Synthesis of AcetaminophenB. Isolating Acetanilide from an Impure Sample29 Plastics and PolymerizationA. Classification of PlasticsB. Gluep and Slime®C. Nylon30 Amino AcidsA.

Structures of Amino AcidsB. Chromatography of Amino Acids31 Peptides and ProteinsA. Peptide BondsB. Structure of ProteinsC. Denaturation of ProteinsD. Isolation of Casein (Milk Protein)E.

Color Tests for Proteins32 EnzymesA. Effect of Enzyme ConcentrationB. Effect of TemperatureC. Effect of pHD. Inhibition of Enzyme Activity33 VitaminsA.

Solubility of VitaminsB. Standardization of Vitamin CC. Analysis of Vitamin C in Fruit Juices and Fruit DrinksD. Heat Destruction of Vitamin C34 DNA Components and ExtractionA. Components of DNAB. Extraction of DNA35 Digestion of FoodstuffsA. Digestion of CarbohydratesB.

Digestion of FatsC. Protein Digestion36 Analysis of UrineA. Color, pH and Specific GravityB.

Ketone BodiesE. UrobilinogenAppendix: Materials and SolutionsStandard Laboratory MaterialsAdditional Materials Needed for Individual ExperimentsPreparation of Solutions Used in the Laboratory.

About the Author(s)Karen Timberlakeis professor emeritus of chemistry at Los Angeles Valley College, where she taught chemistry for allied health and preparatory chemistry for 36 years. She received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Washington and her Master’s degree in biochemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles.Professor Timberlake has been writing chemistry textbooks for 30 years. During that time, her name has become associated with the strategic use of pedagogical tools that promote student success in chemistry and the application of chemistry to real-life situations.

More than one million students have learned chemistry using texts, laboratory manuals, and study guides written by Karen Timberlake. In addition to Basic Chemistry, she is also the author of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Structures of Life, Second Edition and Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Ninth Edition with the accompanying Study Guide with Solutions for Selected Problems, Laboratory Manual, and Essentials Laboratory Manual.Professor Timberlake belongs to numerous science and educational organizations including the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). In 1987, she was the Western Regional Winner of Excellence in College Chemistry Teaching Award given by the Chemical Manufacturers Association.

In 2004, she received the McGuffey Award in Physical Sciences by the Textbook Author Association, awarded for textbooks whose excellence has been demonstrated over time. In 2006, she also received the Texty “Textbook” Excellence Award from the Textbook Authors Association for the first edition of Basic Chemistry. She has participated in education grants for science teaching including the Los Angeles Collaborative for Teaching Excellence (LACTE) and a Title III grant at her college. She often speaks at conferences and educational meetings on the use of student-centered teaching methods in chemistry to promote the learning success of students.