Kotor 2 Complete Influence Guide

For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on the Xbox, GameFAQs has 41 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Influence Guide (XBox) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ January 13, 2004 Version 1.3 Written by: Dan Simpson Email.

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Nar Shaddaa can inherently be confusing and annoying if you're wanting to complete as much content as possible and not be wandering around for forever. Unfortunately, some running back and forth is necessary, but that's why there's Force Speed.I had created a thread a couple days ago asking for help since it's been a while since playing, and I want to thank everyone who responded, but especially who offered a super detailed response. I must have messed up along the way because after following his outline I was forced to progress the story before I wanted to.However, his advice is certainly the foundation for this guide as it gave me a much needed place to start, so thanks to him again!THE GUIDE:1. Landing PadFeel free to complete this entire area other than going near the Ebon Hawk owner, do not talk to him. Talk to everyone else, perform every quest, do the Swoop Race (if you're in the need for some credits, before you race remove your party members via the companion menu so you don't lose influence and after you win use Force Persuade to get all the credits from winning, does give DS points, but is a minor hit, then re-add party members). Don't forget to initiate the merchant war.Loot all the containers and find one of the parts needed to repair the airspeeder later on.1.5 Ebon Hawk (Optional)If Nar Shaddaa is your first planet (was for me), then feel free to return to the Ebon Hawk at this point to fight Visas and have her join your party.

If you purchased parts for HK, you could rebuild him here as well.2. DocksMake sure a stealth user is in your party.

Do not talk to anyone, perform any quests, etc. Head to the residential modules located here and find the room with two thugs conversing. Enable stealth, sneak up on them, and listen to their conversation about the Juma in regards to breaking into Vogga's stash. After the dialogue and journal update, go back to the Landing Pad.3. Cantina/Pazaak DenBefore proceeding here, make sure you have a stealth user and someone who can dance for Vogga if you're playing as a male (I used Handmaiden). Head left towards the Pazaak Den first, get in by whichever method you prefer (if playing LS best to avoid talking to the thugs waiting outside the Pazaak Den). Talk to everyone, play cards, beat The Champ once he shows up.Head over to the Cantina.

Kotor 2 complete influence guide review

Talk to the bartender and buy some Juma. Avoid the Twi'lek who organizes dancers for Vogga for now. Head over to the two mercenaries/thugs and stealth in on their conversation.

Once you have the journal update and have talked to everyone there, head over and talk to the Twi'lek and arrange to dance for Vogga, you'll be automatically transported to his location in the Docks.4. DocksDance for Vogga until he falls asleep, then turn around towards the Kath Hounds' water bowl and spike it with the Juma.

Feel free to break into Vogga's stash now (Security Skill required). After looting it all, speak with Vogga and arrange to take care of Goto in exchange for fuel for Telos Station.First thing after Vogga is to speak with Fassa and complete the docking quest he offers. Head over to the residential module in the Docks and speak with everyone, picking up the missing pilot quest from the flight crew members looking for their captain, the Ithorian quest to help him get off the Docks ( the power cell he offers is important, but DO NOT talk to Fassa yet, and DO NOT complete this quest now), talk to Lootra to pick up the quest for his missing wife who's in the Refugee Sector, and the Bith scientist who can hear the strange frequency.Do the Bith's quest first in Pylon 3, then head into Jekk'jekk Tar. Go into solo mode. Either equip a gas mask or have Improved Heal at the ready to use when you get poisoned. Head into the area with the Gand, talk to the Rodian who wishes to find out the Gand Warrior's name, and complete that quest (requires high Awareness).

Do not talk to the captain the flight crew is looking for, leave that quest open.Leave Jekk'jekk Tar and complete the Bith scientist quest. Again, after picking up the Ithorian quest from earlier, do not talk to Fassa even to update it, do not complete it yet.Head back to the Landing Pad after exploring the rest of the Docks and looting everything you can, specifically the lootable airspeeder part in this area.Important: While in the Landing Pad you have one final chance to alter your party members. Who you choose is up to you, but I highly recommend bringing Bao-Dur for the airspeeder influence check and the possibility to build your lightsaber before dealing with the Red Eclipse. I also chose Handmaiden, since bringing Kreia results in losing influence with her when you heal the sick man in the Refugee Sector, where with Handmaiden you gain influence instead.

However, if you bring Kreia you will get an opportunity to gain influence with Bao-Dur a second time once you complete the quest to reunite Lootra and his wife. I chose not to bring Kreia regardless of that opportunity.On your way to the Refugee Sector, you'll talk with the original owner of the Ebon Hawk. For LS points (which this guide is oriented around) tell him you'll return it.

Head into the Refugee Sector.5. Refugee SectorKill the guards at the entrance by failing the intimidation check (if you pass it you'll have to deal with the Exchange completely in this section before continuing on).Run down to where the refugees are and heal the sick man. We want to find Lootra's wife and tell her the path is clear to Lootra. Talk to Odin the pilot, and tell him you'll help him find a crew to work with. Also talk to the woman who got scammed who's seeking passage for her family.

Tell her you'll help. Run around and get the cut-scene with the Twi'leks who tell you about Atton. Talk to them.Leave the Refugee Sector and go back to the Landing Pad.

You'll get a cut-scene about the Red Eclipse. IGNORE IT and do NOT head back to the Ebon Hawk yet.6.

DocksHead to the residential module (do not talk to Fassa yet). Talk to the crew looking for their captain and tell them you found a pilot (Odin) to complete both their quests for LS points. Clinical cardiac electrophysiology josephson pdf files online. Then talk to the Ithorian. Ask him about his problems again and tell him you'll pay for passage off Nar Shaddaa if he helps the scammed woman and her family from the Refugee Sector. After he agrees, head over to Lootra and complete the quest to reunite him and his wife.

You should now have enough parts for a lightsaber if it's your first planet. Talk to Bao-Dur and you can build it now.Talk to Fassa. Since you helped him earlier he'll let the Ithorian leave. Return to the Ithorian and tell him, ask for a power cell, and perform the awareness and persuade checks to make sure he helps the scammed woman and her family to complete both their quests for LS points.Head back to the Landing Pad, again avoiding going near the Ebon Hawk.7. Refugee SectorTime to clean up. Talk to everyone here, pick up all the quests, deal with both gangs (I wiped them both out because I'm an EXP whore- to get LS points with Serroco talk to the leader and ask him to disarm, he'll attack, kill everyone there and loot everything; try opening a container near the Exchange to make all the Gamorreans hostile, then fail an intimidation check with Saquesh to make him hostile for LS points). Complete all quests.Go to the airspeeder, repair it (high Computer and Repair skills required), ask Bao-Dur to look over it for influence gain with him.8.

Final StepYou're all done now with pretty much every quest on Nar Shaddaa completed. All that's left is heading back to the Ebon Hawk and progressing with the main story.

Once Goto is dealt with, all you have to do is speak with Vogga again to finish acquiring fuel for Telos.If there's anything I missed, please let me know. I'm aware that some of these quests can be completed by speaking with Fassa (like helping Odin the pilot or the scammed woman) after dealing with Goto, but I wanted to help those like me who prefer completing them the way performed in this guide and more importantly before having to progress the story.I hope this guide helps!.