Speak Second Marking Period Study Guide Answers

Fourth Marking Period (through page 162) Summary
The main theme of this marking period demonstrated by David and the rest of Melinda's social studies class is to 'stand up for what you believe in', even if others think you're wrong. The worse that can happen is others think your opinion on something isn't true because they don't agree.
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It's April. Melinda has passed many of her tests. She notices that Andy Beast, as she now calls IT, has abandoned the Marthas and is hanging around the International Club girls. That includes Melinda's former friend Rachel.

The last day of Spring Break, Melinda visits the mall and sees Ivy, who's working on a sketch to help with her project for art class. Ivy invites Melinda to take a look and the two former friends begin an easy, comfortable conversation about their projects.
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Andy Beast went to the movies with Rachel and some of her exchange student friends from the International Club. Now, the girls walk through the halls with him and gaze at him adoringly. Even though Rachel has rejected her, Melinda can't help feeling worried about her with Andy. Something in her wants..