Divide Et Impera Rome 2 Guide

I haven't played much of Divide et Impera but I did try some Rome campaigns so I thought i'd give you some tips The reforms will kick in when you hold all of your initial settlements plus two ones that you conquered from other factions, for example barbarian tribes, which means that the beginning of the game ( spears vs swords ) will be a. A guide for the Reforms system in Divide et Impera including a video tutorial and general overview of. Polybian – Imperium level 3, minimum turns 40; Marian – Imperium level 5, minimum turns. The reforms can be triggered 2 ways.

While I do LOVE the cultural background of divide et impera folks tried to provide us as well as how diverse the units and factions are, I will NOT accept the combat system quality.The combat system of the mod is beyond me, I ordered my hastati unit of 200 men to attack another unit of 200 etruscan boys in phalanx formation, what happens? Only 10 men are attacking while the 190 remaining are just sitting back, well spaced and disorganised between them, doing nothing even though i spam right clickI am NOT missing something, IT SHOULD BE SIMPLE, I RIGHT CLICK MY UNIT ATTACK, THE FIRST AND SECOND ROWS MUST BE ATTACKING. Thx Electro, i will try to dig deeper into this one.And to clear that out: DEI intend to offer a REALISTIC gameplay, in reality the main casulties were indeed routing prisoners and not kills tbh.

The rout/kill rate is 'correct', even more than in vanilla. But i just dislike owning routing people, for me its much more fun to actually fight and kill the enemy.On the other hand its not that realistic to field thin lines of 2-3 men deep to hold 20 lines of enemy troops. But its the battle mechanic ingame,also often used in MP were fights mostly are a big joke. DEi just continued that mechanic and missed completely the point of a brawl. You can hardly 1 hit people in Dei, charges are too slow and not powerful and also the weapon damage is way to low to counter that outstanding defence/armor even low tier units have with this overhaul.And its possible to change that. Warcry submod was a way in the right direction, but made pikes op cause of basic Dei stats and was removed cause of breaking the overhaul. Its a pitty, but theres way more to optimize with single mods than using Dei atm.

Again, sadly waiting the next version or 'better' submods.Sorry for the wall and greetz^^.


Fearless warriors, the Celto-Germanic Nervii inhabit northern Gaul. How to guides to uninstall bie 5.4.2 for mac windows 10. Renowned for their bravery, these Spartan-like people eschew all luxuries, especially alcohol, which they believe make a person weak. Venerating the heroic warrior tradition, Nervii leaders are chosen for their martial prowess and wise leadership.

As such, they prefer to launch ferocious, lightning assaults and ambushes, the better to earn glory and fame. Although friendly with their immediate neighbours, the Nervii have the skills and strength to push forward in any direction, even towards Rome and the civilised world to the south, where their fearsome reputation walks before them.